Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Lola's Story

Lola has been kneeling, hands in the air, with a big smile. Then, as if she’s praying to the rain god, she falls down, laughing, only to return back up with her hands in the air. Lola has also decided that Mads is the funniest person in the world. Yesterday Mads was swinging a metal tape measure around, making lots of noise on the tile. When I heard what I thought was screaming (read upset) from Lola, I assumed Mads was hitting her with the tape measure. However, Lola was simply belly laughing at Madeline’s antics. Another fuuny thing about Lola is her sensitivity to noise. It generally is not funny, but this time, I ran to a screaming Lola in the other room, assuming that she had fallen down or hurt herself. Instead she was holding the reindeer toy that plays, “Grandma got run over by a reindeer.” She was terrified that an inanimate object was suddenly making music.


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