Friday, June 12, 2009
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Sad Day
The other morning Mads and Lola found a dead baby bird in the yard. It had been windy the day before so we figured that the poor little thing blew out of the nest high up in the palm tree. We gathered it in a shoe box, only to find another...and then another. Mads was quite saddened and immediately drafted up this little eulogy. Tonight we had a proper burial for the 3 little birds...and a colorful headstones marks the site. What sweet girls I have...what sweet girls.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Dinner Menu

I need to get back to posting regularly. The girls are getting older and soon will be bothered by my chronicling of their lives. They don;t know now, so I'll indulge you. Tonight they wanted to play restaurant and make their own menus. Lola put broccoli on her menu and spelled Poce (confused the b for a p, but still, not too bad for 4 years old!). Madeline had creative spelling on her menu as well. I especially like noshos....anyone want to market this?
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Today Mads and I had an interesting conversation.
Mads: Mom, I know the F word and the S word
Me: Oh really? How do you know these words?
Mads: Mira told me one and I knew the other already
(Of course, I assume she knows the F word from me cause I have been known to drop an F bomb here and there.)
Me: What are the F and S words
Mads, with wide eyes: Frickin (I smile to myself)
Me: And the S word?
Mads: Stupid
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
Feeding Lorakeets at Sea World
So I really freaked out. I knew that mads would love this opportunity to get close and personal with these birds. I figured I could handle it. I was wrong. Jody and I were laughing nervously so much so that I started to cry. They landed on your outstretched arm and dug their talons into it. Maybe my arm is too meaty and Madeline's is nice and bony. She was thrilled and Lola, unfortunately, took my lead and was quite frightened as well. At least I tried....TWICE!!!!